
Showing posts from 2019

100% Or Nothing

People think relationships, marriages, are 50/50 but the truth is they are 100/100. You have to put it all in or completely walk away. You can't just give half, it may work for a while but it will eventually fail. You can't be half in half out. Last night I was watching Once Upon A Time and in this Netflix series Emma and Captain Hook (Killian Jones) have a beautiful relationship. They fight, they make up, but what ever they go through they always end up back together. Their relationship is a pedestal for what relationships should be like. Filled with forgiveness, trust, hope, and most of I hope someday I can find my CaptainSwan love as well. this is what I want to teach you guys: Never settle for less. If someone is not putting in as much effort as you are putting in for them, no matter what you tell yourself it is not good to continue. When it is time to let go, do not convince yourself that your situation is special and that you can make it happen. It is up to b...


Fear is usually a bad thing and we are taught to not fear but the Bible says to fear the Lord. Now this does not mean to be scared or afraid of Him like we know it in the world, it means to respect and revere Him. To understand that He is much higher than we are.

I Want That

What is the root of all evil? Well most would say it's the love of money, even the bible says that. But just what does "the love of money" mean? Think about it, when someone is desperate to get money what do they usually do? They get greedy and do whatever it takes to get some. The true root of all evil is greed and selfishness. Which means the top commandment would be "Thou Shall Not Covet." If you look back to any sin committed, the reason behind it has to do with the fact that they don't have something they want (covet), and if we don't covet anything and learn to be content with exactly what we have, then we won't sin or atleast we'll be liable to sin less Take the first sin for example: Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the one tree they were commanded not to eat from. They had everything they needed right in front of them and they could've been perfectly happy that way, But they coveted fruit from the one tree they could not eat from. B...

It's (not) my fault

Hello fellow readers, today's post is a very important topic. Things happen and we fight with each other and claim it isn't our fault...but is it really? Sometimes we need to really take a close look at the situation before we just blame the other person


What if we all went down the same path every time we came across the opportunity to explore a new one? It would get boring, and produce the same results as before. Sometimes God transitions us into a new place in our lives to show us new scenery and give us a new perspective. This week I am following God's leading to take a new path and I'm excited but also a bit scared. I know it is in God's hands and I can't wait to see what's in store. What's God trying to teach you? Share in the comments!

Don't Give Up

This is my advice to you. Is there someone you love? Is there someone you're afraid of losing? Here's the best advice you could ever get. Don't give up on them. A couple years back I wrote a story called One Love. It was about a princess who stayed on a difficult, obstacle heavy, journey to save her love who was locked up. Along the way she had so many princes stop her and promise her riches and a kingdom beyond her desires if she would end the journey and go with them, but instead she turned it all down to stay with the one she truly loved. Our marriage is the path that princess traveled down and along the way there are opportunities for us to give up a very good thing. Our choice is to either accept those other princes, or stay on the journey for the one we truly love, our One Love. Don't ever give up. Thank you for taking time to read this. If you are struggling to stay on the path for your marriage/relationship please feel free to contact us. Send an email to aem...

I'm The Teacher

Let's pretend we're back in the classroom. I know I know, you're thinking "the last time I had school was years ago." But still, let's pretend your house is your classroom. Now (let's say you have kids) who is the teacher? Is it you, or your kids? Hold on! Before you answer that, think really quickly. Are you really the teacher here? This is a bit of a trick question because most of the time we are the teachers...but there is plenty of times that our own children become our teachers. "What do you mean? How can my child possibly teach me? you think. Kids have a lot to teach us about who we are and even who they are. Let's give an example. Let's say you have a son, we'll call him John. You've been struggling with controlling John's anger and it seems to be getting worse. Anytime he gets angry he acts out by throwing things or slamming doors. Now lets say your husband is in a mood (they all get that way sometimes) and he just stormed ...


“Don’t think about how hard it is, think about how great the need is for you to be there.” This is a phrase I repeatedly pondered over while I was at boot camp for a mission trip last year and something I told my brother when he went away to a military camp. Basically it means don’t be focused on how difficult it is for you to be where you are at or to be doing what you’re doing. Think about how important it is and all that are counting on you.


Constructive criticism and Destructive criticism are both similar because they both build but one gets confused with the other way too often. Destruction builds down. It builds a foundation for an unstable and abandoned person. Construction doesn’t have negative affects. It’s all about building up someone not only for your own benefit but for the others benefit. Destruction causes death and divorce. Construction builds up courage, character and creation.

The Secret Ingredient

Somethings take experience and as much knowledge as you can get to create success. Have you ever tried a dish that somebody made and asked them what they did or how they made it only to have them tell you they used a secret ingredient? How did that make you feel? The odds are that you probably wondered in your mind "what could that secret ingredient possibly be?" You constantly keep trying to figure out what it could be but time and time again they never tell. The problem with that is, how can you make the recipe if you don't even know the secret ingredient? Today we are talking about the secret ingredient to relationships (any kind) and there is one secret ingredient to make it work. The great thing about this one, is you actually get to learn what it is...Now think about when you bake something or cook something for the first time. Do you ever master it right away? Chances are it takes you a few tries to actually get it right. Sometimes the problem is the timing, other ...

The Truth

Many believe love is something that just happens. Maybe they were destined to be together, they think it’s just that simple. Love is a hard choice you have to make every single day. Even in the moments when he’s ignoring you and neglecting you. Even when she’s become lazy.


I know I've probably talked about this topic before, but this was really on my heart to talk to you about today. I have just been thinking and pondering over my relationship with Jesus and then I thought back to how He died on the cross for us and how even though we sometimes give Him nothing back, even though He was hurt and in pain, even though He could have easily gotten off the cross, He chose to see it through and take on death for me and you simply for love. He loved us so much and for the longest time I didn't truly know what love was. I thought love was wanting to marry someone and live a good life for them. I never knew about the tough times. I thought if things were hard, it wasn't love. But suddenly God placed a truth in my heart...Love is not that feeling you get when you just got married and your on your honeymoon. Love is not that time when you both are so attracted to each other and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Love is not getting married to someone...

Don't Just Give Up

Have you ever heard anyone tell you "you can't just give up, you have to keep trying!" More than likely if someone has said this to you, it means you're a quitter. There is one thing that requires absolutely all of your power and strength to keep going, that is your marriage (or any other relationship). A marriage is a very important special thing but it is hard and it takes knowing and applying the secret ingredient to make it actually work. You may be thinking, what is the secret ingredient? Let me guess, you have to change yourself? You have to be perfect?" No, actually it's more simple than that! The one single most important secret ingredient that makes a marriage work is...wait for it... The secret ingredient is PERSEVERENCE ! So many are ready to just give up the fight because they don't think they can fight anymore. Exercise: Do this with your partner or family member/friend find a really large difficult puzzle and try to figure out how...

Blogger Project

***BIG NEW UPDATE***                                         ***you're going to like this*

Moving On

Dear readers, what I am about to share with you is the #1 top secret to finding peace and happiness in this world. If you want to know how you can have peace no matter what comes your way, then read on! For so long I lived my life just as many others do, whenever something comes my way that I don't like, I would cry out to God "why?why is this happening?" I would get so frustrated because I knew God could see me hurting, so why wasn't He doing anything? He had all that power and He wasn't changing anything. I just couldn't understand it. For the longest time I tried to figure out why. Why would God do this? Why would He allow me such pain. I kept searching for the way but even when I thought I knew why, it still wasn't enough. I had gotten to a point in my life where things were so bad and I was so frustrated with God. "You see me, so why don't you do anything? If you really loved me, where are you?" In those moments I didn't feel God at...

"It's 2019"

You'e heard the phrases; "It's 2019, things have changed!" "We all have a right to be who ever we want to be", "stop judging/hating and go somewhere else" they all say. It's one excuse after another to make the sins of today seem completely innocent. If a man who committed murder were to claim that he is just being his true self, he cant help it it's who he is, would we say he is excused and release him from prison? I wonder why we wouldn't? I know you're thinking "he killed people! That's the worst sin there could ever be...I'm not hurting anyone so therefore I am not sinning.", oh but is that true? Marriage used to in it's beginning have a beautiful picture it represented. A woman and a man fall in love and live together, raise a family, and support one another (representing Christ Jesus' love for us). Now we have the idea twisted that it is okay for a man to be with a man and same with woman. What pictur...

Love Is Hard

Image This topic is all about L.O.V.E it's very  important that we understand love is not always easy because one of the lies we believe is that "it can't be true love because it's too difficult." Love wasn't meant to be easy.

All Is Not Well

You've noticed it happening, things are not as they used to be. You and your husband (or wife) are not as close as you used to be. There used to be this burning desire you had for each other, but somehow you've drifted apart. You still love him (or her) but things just aren't the same. What do you do now? 1st of all watch this video A up here 2nd read the following: regardless of what you may think, never EVER is your marriage un-fixable. It may be broken right now but it can always be restored. Never under estimate the power of the bond that marriage brings. Relationships will always be man and woman and with that there are always differences. You're never going to see things in the exact same way. The most important thing is to keep God in the very center of every thing. Always remember, never give up. That's what saying I do means, it means you will never give up on each other through better and even through worse. Just because you "love this person be...


Our scars and pain are exactly how God planned it to be. When we are hurting we look to the Father for His help and guidance and sometimes we may turn away from Him but He knows just how to get us back. 

That's What I Had You For

"That's what I had you for." I am so fired up about this topic because it's something I strongly disagree with, sadly just about everyone I know seems to agree with it...Many parents today take shortcuts and become lazy by telling their children to do their work for them. Now I'm all about teaching kids responsibility and giving them chores, (take out trash every Thursday or wash the dishes on this certain day are reasonable chores that teach responsibility) but to tell your child to throw your trash away or to do some super simple task for you is not teaching responsibility at all..They answer back with "why do I have to do that? Can't you do it yourself?" What is our response? "Because I asked you to" or we guilt trip them by getting upset or angry. This is not teaching them responsibility...It's teaching them laziness which is why most children and teens are lazy. Then we have the nerve to punish our kids or try to teach them a lesso...

Over tended

In one episode of Little House On The Prarie, they showed Almanzo, Laura Ingalls Wilder's husband, in a wheel chair and paralyzed. He was sitting with Charles Ingalls at his storm demolished house, when they both noticed a little green living plant. With shocked faces, Almanzo quotes that the plants he was trying to care for wouldn't grow and it was because he was tending to them too much. He had realized the reason he was also not recovering was because he hadn't a reason to since he had Laura and his sister Eliza Jane looking after him. Many times in life this is us, especially with children. You know, the typical "did you do your school yet? Have your chores been done?" Too often we pester our children with "reminders" and don't get me wrong, they do need reminding sometimes but that's the thing...only sometimes. Many times our kids will procrastinate or simply not do something because we are asking too many times about it. I am saying this fr...

I Won't Let You Go

I won't Let You Go - Switchfoot such a very encouraging and beautiful song.

Break Free

To anybody who is struggling with a situation in your life, today is your day to break free! By break free we do not mean that you are going to be completely healed, we do not control situations that come into our life. If you are struggling with something, then keep reading to find out the one thing that we do control. Many of us have situations that reach our lives at some point. Whether it's dark thoughts that have gripped your mind, a job you just lost, losing your house, a family member dying, or even something simple such as missing an item or being late to an event...these are all things that we cannot change. Now you may think "this doesn't apply to me if my problem is depression or some kind of sickness." But the answer to that would be, it actually does involve you too! Let me explain how: The point of this message is that there is one thing we can control. I know people dealing with depression especially, feel like they have no control over any of it....

That Which Nobody Sees

This post is going to be difficult to write because this is the part of my life many do not see and do not know. We all have things that we have done or struggle with that we don’t want others seeing or knowing about. Sometimes we hide it because we do not want ourselves to have to see it either.  Here is my story and a look into a part of my life not many know about it. Iam sharing this with you because I am hoping it will encourage you! I struggle with being open with others on how I’m feeling and what I’m thinking. I’m not going to go too personal into detailbut most of my life I have just felt like my opinions or feelings don’t matter. I’ve toldmyself it isn’t true but it’s something I struggle with. I also struggle with feeling lonely and there are times when I choose to be alone and I cause my loneliness. I have learned through experience that I am not alone even when I feel like I am because God is the one who is always there even when I feel He isn’t. There was a time in my...

No Matter The Cost

Loving is never easy and sometimes it hurts. Love is a choice we must decide to choose regardless of what we have to deal with. Loving opens us up to heartbreak but is that a reason to never love again? Sometimes pain caused by rejection from someone we love causes us to struggle loving others. Love is our bloodline, it's in our souls. Imprinted on our minds. It's part of our blueprint of biological make up but it does sometimes hurt. What do you choose today?

Need or Want?

Some people say they need their loved when. They say things such as “if I lost you, I would kill myself.” They think their being sweet and endearing but those type of things are not very wise to say at all. Things like “what would I do without you.” “I can’t live without you.” ETC, are very trapping words to say. It makes the other person feel as though they have to be there and sometimes this causes our fight or flight mode to kick in. Instead try saying things like “I appreciate you being with me.”Or “I want you in my life and I love you.” These are not only positive and encouraging compliments but they let the other know being with you is a choice and not a command. Try it!

The Ring

Today’s topic is very deep and extremely important. One thing we see during a     wedding ceremony is the exchange of rings. Some may underestimate the significance this act has as part of the whole of the vow. The question is why is this part so important? It’s more than just placing a ring on the others finger. It’s what the ringsymbolizes. What immediately comes to mind when you see someone with a ring on? “They must be in a commitment “relationship”. As a Christian our rings are ourlives , the way we act either shows were in a committed relationship with Christ or riding it solo.

The Good Fight

Here at Family Faith Wisdom we value families, faith and wisdom! Today's topic is about fighting the good fight. What is the good fight exactly? Let me ask you this. What is your spouse dealing with? Are there any hardships their going through? Any struggles, challenges? I encourage you this week to try being open with your partner and asking them if they are dealing with anything. Let them know you are there for them and will fight with them by their side. This can change the dynamic very quickly. Let us know how it goes! We always love it when our readers get involved and keep in touch.

Help needed

Urgent!!! We are looking for as much help as we can get from many of our readers and all those interested in participating. If you would like to share scripture or advice you have on this site please email us or us our contact form to get in touch and tell us what it is you'd like to do. We need God loving people that are willing to share things. Maybe it's a family story of what God's done in your life or advice on a topic that you have. Please let us know!

Follow Me

This is the story: A woman led her daughter through a dim forest where there was a very dark scary looking tunnel. The little girl was afraid to go through. Her mom went through and got past the darkness easily. "Come on" she swayed her daughter. The child had three options. She could either go through that tunnel, walk through prickly thorns around the tunnel, or she could turn around and go back. "I want to leave" she replied in fear. "It's okay, I got through. See, I'm alright" said the mother reassuringly. Cautiously the child walked through and after a few moments of shivering, she made it to the other side. She looked back at the dark tunnel and with a big smile she said : " I'm glad I didn't go back." Many of us are like that girl. We want to get out of our troubling situations. Maybe it's the sickness you're going through, or maybe you have to say good bye to someone you love, or you have to make a change in your ...

Should've Been

                                                          Should've Been - Citizen Way This song is a great reminder of the very price Jesus paid to bring us back with the Father. It should have been us on that cross dying. We each have done things that are worthy of such a punishment but God said "no I love them too much to allow them to pay this price." He wanted Heaven with us and paid the ultimate price. He did it for you. Remember it!! At the end of this song you see a picture of a group of people standing by a cross. They are lifting their hands and looking up towards Heaven. The reason this picture was chosen is because it great resembles the truth of the cross. It should have been us on the cross that day when Jesus died for all of us. Each one of those people should've been up there but because of God's Grace through sending ...


How do rhymes work? There’s usually a set pattern. What if you took that same pattern away? It wouldn’t be rhyme, right? So why do we keep ourselves stuck in a pattern everyday? We weren’t meant to be like a rhyme, sticking to the same patterns. Some of us sleep in a little to longer than we wish we would. Some of us miss opportunities to show love because of fear or some “obstacle.” Whatever our pattern is, we need to break it. Maybe it’s blaming your spouse for the same things and never seeing their way of things. It could be speaking to much rather than listening. Maybe you make the other do more and hardly do your part? Whatever the pattern is, get out of it! There may be some good patterns to get into but this is all about the patterns we should break. What pattern do you need to change? Let us know!


More than likely if you have to put your phone or device to silent, your hiding something or there’s something you don’t want someone knowing about. Same thing with our lives. If we have to stay quiet and mute things from other people, maybe we shouldn’t be doing them or saying it or being involved with it. We should be able to leave the ringer on in our lives. Why have you turned your life on mute to some people? Write in the comments or contact us and let us know!

Little Robin

If you see a little tiny bird fall from a tree and injure it’s wings more than likely you’ll do whatever you can to take care of it and make it better again. Even if you don’t have the resources at the moment you’ll still do whatever you can. So why do we let our relationships fall and then blame the other person instead of caring for them and doing whatever we can to help it get better. Why do we blame our partners or find whatever excuse we can? Maybe we’re scared? Maybe we wanted the fall whether we want to admit it or not?

Love Together

"An outstanding love doesn't come from two half - fulfilled people coming together to make one whole, complete life." What's wrong with this thought? It's 100% incorrect. Love is all about two broken people being accepting of one another and forgiving each other. Coming together and creating one.

For Granted

Why is it that we always miss our loved ones when they are gone? While they are here we take them for granted and act as though we have them forever. We don’t appreciate their times; only thinking of the difficulties and not the special memories. My brother is away at Jericho Road Ministries and we still have a few months away. Christmas and my birthday wasn’t the same...I only hope to soon see him again :)
Don't let the good things in your life here or the bad things in your life here keep you from coming home to God. One day we will rise up and go to Heaven forever. We can be 100% sure of this because we believe and have faith. Believing in Jesus and taking the risk to believe that we will one day go to Heaven and we might end up fighting out it's not true is far greater than not believing it and finding out in the end it was all true. Many believe when we die it's the end. They think their pain will stop since it's death and you no longer exist but the truth is pain still goes on...unless you turn and be with Jesus and God in Heaven.


In Once Upon a time the characters were put in a curse that made them live a different life. Sometimes that life was good. When they would wake up they’d remember who they really are. They’d be faced with a choice, go back to living that same life or give up all those things to become who they were really meant to be. With a heavy heart they’d finally decide to become their true selves again. That is the life of a Christian. We’ve become cursed in a world where we live a different life but we should wake up and not forget who we are truly supposed to be.  We’re in a cursed and different world but not forever, we’re fighting to get back home.

Christmas Special

This is late...I know but here it is! Our Christmas Special Presentation Avail (SPA)

Not What It Seems

I have to give credit to Alexa from Amazon for this story but it really gets the point across: The Squirrel And The Acorn Once there lived a squirrel in a forest. He found an acorn that he loved very much. He kissed the acorn good night and tucked it safely under a leaf. That night a terrible storm came through and blew the acorn. The next day, the squirrel went to get his acorn and saw it wasn't there. He was very sad and stayed in a cave for a very long time. After a while, the squirrel got over his heartache and decided to come out. He stood under a tree and noticed lots of acorns on the ground, but these acorns could never replace his was special. He climbed up the tree and noticed a familiar scent and an auburn brown look that seemed familiar. He came to realize that his acorn had grown up into a big tree that he had scurried onto. He stayed in that tree and lived happily for the rest of his life. Here's the point That squirrel realized that the tree was his...


One thing I have really been learning a lot recently is that it is never too late for God to work in situations. When we give up or think something is over, God shows that there is still hope. No matter what, hope always exists. I have an encouraging word for who ever is struggling right now: You may think all is lost and what is broken can never be fixed. But with God everything is possible and "too late" doesn't exist for Him. Hope always reigns over failure and will continue to beat out evil and darkness. Our enemy is trying hard to defeat us but with God he will never win. Hope, love, God...always prevails!

New Years resolutions

Hello readers and followers of the FFW blog family! We are so excited for 2019 and it's already here! What have you decided to resolute this year? I've decided I'm going to turn a page of my story and let God be the star! Keep your hearts open and your family close