Fall On Me: Series

 Here is your chance...do you want to walk with God? We want to give everyone the chance to get to know their Father but first we must take the first:

Please, if you are ready to accept Him, say this prayer:

 "Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life. Wash me clean. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory, I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth, that Jesus is my Savior and Lord. I receive eternal life, in Jesus name, Amen."

If you said that prayer, you may begin this journey with us...your new family. Welcome to the kingdom!

Day 1 Finding God, your first experience

What does it mean to find God? How exactly do we find God?Let me ask you this, when you are in a relationship what is that like? How do you be in a relationship? You spend time with them, you do things for each other, you get to know one another, and walk closely together everyday...then when you get married you make a vow to choose that person every single day no matter what.I don't think I said it loud enough, NO MATTER WHAT!

that means it is just you two forever. That is how you get to know God. You walk with Him daily and spend time. Read the bible, pray, talk to Him, seek Him, love Him, do as He would do and what He wants you to do.

First lets read a bible verse then we'll pray and Dig Deeper.

Today's verse is: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.Romans 8:18 NKJV

 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 HCSB

Now let's pray

Dear God, we thank you for this day you have given. Thank you for new friends, family, your love for us. We come to you today knowing that we are all sinners and we pray you forgive us. Wash us clean and come into our lives and change us. May the world see that change in us. May we always stay positive and look to our future, and not get stuck on the past. In your name we pray, amen

Dig Deeeper

What does this verse mean? What glory is going to be revealed to us? What does "This Present Time"

 mean to you? How can you make changes today to not get stuck on the past? 

Stay encourged and see you on day 2!


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