I'm The Teacher

Let's pretend we're back in the classroom. I know I know, you're thinking "the last time I had school was years ago." But still, let's pretend your house is your classroom. Now (let's say you have kids) who is the teacher? Is it you, or your kids? Hold on! Before you answer that, think really quickly. Are you really the teacher here? This is a bit of a trick question because most of the time we are the teachers...but there is plenty of times that our own children become our teachers. "What do you mean? How can my child possibly teach me? you think. Kids have a lot to teach us about who we are and even who they are. Let's give an example. Let's say you have a son, we'll call him John. You've been struggling with controlling John's anger and it seems to be getting worse. Anytime he gets angry he acts out by throwing things or slamming doors. Now lets say your husband is in a mood (they all get that way sometimes) and he just stormed out of the house to do the yard. He slams the door behind him but you think nothing of it. Suddenly John becomes angry because he cant figure out his puzzle. He runs to his room and slams his door shut. You get annoyed at him because you can't figure out why he is acting this way. You tell him if he slams it again he will be grounded or get a spanking. Now you may think, what's wrong with taking this approach? The truth is sometimes it works for some people but the problem with this is psychologically your son is not learning anything here, more the opposite...his behavior was mirrored by his fathers behavior. You may be asking "what should I do in this situation?" Simple. Talk to John about how it is wrong to slam doors when you're mad (be sure to explain why) and make sure you talk to your husband and explain to him why it's a problem for him to be acting this way. Sometimes us as parents need to keep self evaluating so we aren't confusing our kids with our actions. If you tell your child to do/not do something, you should follow through as well because they follow by your example. After all, you're the lead teacher. If your teacher in school constantly talked and was very disruptive would that help you focus? Exactly. Be the example

Hey guys,
it's Forest here. Checkout Live On Purpose on You Tube. Dr.Paul Jenkins has some great content on there and it can really help you. Stay positive


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