Moving On

Dear readers,
what I am about to share with you is the #1 top secret to finding peace and happiness in this world. If you want to know how you can have peace no matter what comes your way, then read on! For so long I lived my life just as many others do, whenever something comes my way that I don't like, I would cry out to God "why?why is this happening?" I would get so frustrated because I knew God could see me hurting, so why wasn't He doing anything? He had all that power and He wasn't changing anything. I just couldn't understand it. For the longest time I tried to figure out why. Why would God do this? Why would He allow me such pain. I kept searching for the way but even when I thought I knew why, it still wasn't enough. I had gotten to a point in my life where things were so bad and I was so frustrated with God. "You see me, so why don't you do anything? If you really loved me, where are you?" In those moments I didn't feel God at all. I felt so down, so lonely, so heartbroken. Those were my darkest days, the hardest times...before I truly had God. I went from this good Christian daughter who believed in God, had faith, knew the truth, and suddenly the faith that I thought I had, disappeared. I knew God existed, but where was He in this moment? I truly thought He would've done something, made something different. There was one particularly difficult day for me, I remember it extremely well, it was the day I finally learned the most important thing I was ever going to learn. Now in order to fully get the lesson here, I need you to bear with me as I share this lengthy story into how I discovered the best thing I or anyone else could ever learn.

It was in the afternoon and I was in our house. We had a two story house and the upstairs was our playroom. I always went up their to dwell on my thoughts because it was so far away from the rest of the house, that I felt like I wasn't even in the world anymore. Nice, peaceful and quiet. Now, I was alone to myself. Just me and my thoughts. I just kept going over all that had happened in my head, thinking about what I missed and what I wanted to be different. Tears started running down my face as I cried out to God "If you really loved me, if you really are the God I know you are, then where are you? Why are you doing this to me?" I just laid it all out. It was very frustrating because I kept not getting an answer. But the most unexpected thing happened that day.I had decided to listen to my MP3 Player because I had found music helped me feel better. The very exact second that I turned it on, a song had come on. You know how you press play on a song and it will play it, it was as if I had just hit play for that song to come on. The very first words of the song were this: "do you wonder why you have to, feel the things that hurt you? If there's a God who loves you, where is He now? Maybe, There are things you can't see, and all those things are happening to bring a better ending. Someday somehow you'll see, you'll see." As soon as I heard that things became clear to me. The anger I had at God disappeared. All the pain I had faced suddenly didn't hurt so much. That day I had realized one thing, one very important lesson I had wished I had learned sooner. That very moment brought me the closest to God I had ever been. I told God that day that I have sinned and I needed forgiveness and I believed in my heart that I truly was forgiven. I told God that there was nothing I could do to repay what He had done for me and there was no way to say thank you enough, "but"...I said, "I can atleast live every day of my life for you." And ever since that day I have lived for Him. I can't say in every situation I've faced I have easily gotten through. It is hard to remember every time that God always has a reason for allowing things. It has helped me so many times in my life. I hope this helps you and if you ever need to talk to somebody, I'm here.


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