I Want That

What is the root of all evil? Well most would say it's the love of money, even the bible says that. But just what does "the love of money" mean? Think about it, when someone is desperate to get money what do they usually do? They get greedy and do whatever it takes to get some. The true root of all evil is greed and selfishness. Which means the top commandment would be "Thou Shall Not Covet." If you look back to any sin committed, the reason behind it has to do with the fact that they don't have something they want (covet), and if we don't covet anything and learn to be content with exactly what we have, then we won't sin or atleast we'll be liable to sin less

Take the first sin for example: Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the one tree they were commanded not to eat from. They had everything they needed right in front of them and they could've been perfectly happy that way, But they coveted fruit from the one tree they could not eat from. Because of that jealousy, they went ahead and ate it anyway and it cost them everything that they had, even their own life. Being content could've changed everything that one day. What would it look like if someone chose to be content and appreciate everything they had no matter what happened? What would it be like if Adam and Eve had been content with what they did have and stayed in the garden? Many times we see that tree and because there is one thing that we don't have, we overlook all that we do have and stay focused on the one small thing that we can't have. It robs us of everything we have yet we still continue to do it.


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