Don't Give Up

This is my advice to you. Is there someone you love? Is there someone you're afraid of losing? Here's the best advice you could ever get. Don't give up on them. A couple years back I wrote a story called One Love. It was about a princess who stayed on a difficult, obstacle heavy, journey to save her love who was locked up. Along the way she had so many princes stop her and promise her riches and a kingdom beyond her desires if she would end the journey and go with them, but instead she turned it all down to stay with the one she truly loved. Our marriage is the path that princess traveled down and along the way there are opportunities for us to give up a very good thing. Our choice is to either accept those other princes, or stay on the journey for the one we truly love, our One Love. Don't ever give up.

Thank you for taking time to read this. If you are struggling to stay on the path for your marriage/relationship please feel free to contact us. Send an email to and we'll stay in touch. You can comment on this post and start a support group through the comments. Thank you!                                      -Forest


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