
I know I've probably talked about this topic before, but this was really on my heart to talk to you about today. I have just been thinking and pondering over my relationship with Jesus and then I thought back to how He died on the cross for us and how even though we sometimes give Him nothing back, even though He was hurt and in pain, even though He could have easily gotten off the cross, He chose to see it through and take on death for me and you simply for love. He loved us so much and for the longest time I didn't truly know what love was. I thought love was wanting to marry someone and live a good life for them. I never knew about the tough times. I thought if things were hard, it wasn't love. But suddenly God placed a truth in my heart...Love is not that feeling you get when you just got married and your on your honeymoon. Love is not that time when you both are so attracted to each other and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Love is not getting married to someone and living together. Love is that moment when Jesus took on the cross and even when they said "if you are the true son of God take yourself off the cross" even though He probably wanted to, He didn't. He stayed til death because of love. That was a representation of the truest love there is. This is the truth. Each of our hearts has a door. That door either lets Jesus in, or keeps Him out. We have the choice to let Him in, or reject Him and kick Him out. When we choose to kick Him out He doesn't leave us. No matter how hurt, He continues to wait by the door patiently for if we may choose to finally let Him in. We can keep telling Him we will never let Him in, but He will still stand by the door. Loving someone isn't about giving what they deserve. It isn't about giving up on them just because they've given up on you. It's actually the opposite. Love is fighting for them, giving everything to them, even though they give back nothing in return. It's saying "I'm not even going to look at what you do for me/give for me, I'm just going to give to you. It's sacrificing at no cost. It's the greatest gift without a price. It's erasing their debt and giving all you have even though they still owe you a lot. They may hate you, they may ignore, but love will always continue to fight for them. Because love doesn't give up, it doesn't lose hope. It stands by that door even though it's shut. This week when you face trials in your marriage, if your spouse has shut the door to their heart, don't even consider giving up. Let them know you're there for them and you are here whenever they need it. You can always contact us when you need anything! Let us know how the challenge has helped you!


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