All Is Not Well

You've noticed it happening, things are not as they used to be. You and your husband (or wife) are not as close as you used to be. There used to be this burning desire you had for each other, but somehow you've drifted apart. You still love him (or her) but things just aren't the same. What do you do now?
1st of all watch this video A up here
2nd read the following:

regardless of what you may think, never EVER is your marriage un-fixable. It may be broken right now but it can always be restored. Never under estimate the power of the bond that marriage brings. Relationships will always be man and woman and with that there are always differences. You're never going to see things in the exact same way. The most important thing is to keep God in the very center of every thing. Always remember, never give up. That's what saying I do means, it means you will never give up on each other through better and even through worse. Just because you "love this person better" doesn't mean you can just break that promise. Keep praying daily for your love bond and find support from others you can trust. You can always, always contact us if you need any advice or support. That's exactly what FamilyFaithWisdom was created for, your support system!

           Fight for your Family. Live your Faith. Find Godly Wisdom.


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