Not What It Seems

I have to give credit to Alexa from Amazon for this story but it really gets the point across:
The Squirrel And The Acorn
Once there lived a squirrel in a forest. He found an acorn that he loved very much. He kissed the acorn good night and tucked it safely under a leaf. That night a terrible storm came through and blew the acorn. The next day, the squirrel went to get his acorn and saw it wasn't there. He was very sad and stayed in a cave for a very long time. After a while, the squirrel got over his heartache and decided to come out. He stood under a tree and noticed lots of acorns on the ground, but these acorns could never replace his was special. He climbed up the tree and noticed a familiar scent and an auburn brown look that seemed familiar. He came to realize that his acorn had grown up into a big tree that he had scurried onto. He stayed in that tree and lived happily for the rest of his life.
Here's the point
That squirrel realized that the tree was his acorn but what if he hadn't realized that? What if he was upset that his acorn was now a tree? He'd live sad all his life. The thing is, we want God to make us happy and bring back things we've lost. Most of the time we miss things that God has given us. Sometimes God turns our acorns into trees and we miss out on our prayers being answered and we lose a happy life. God always restores what is lost but it may not come back the same as when we had it in the beginning


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