There's No Place I Wouldn't Go To Be With You

Okay...I know the title is pretty long! Let me explain:
In a relationship when we are in love, often times there is no place we wouldn't go to be with the one we love. So why, in our relationship with God, do we limit where we would go? We use excuses such as fear, sometimes we try to justify why we can't do it, or even play the "too sick, too old" card. A few years back, in 2017 I went on a missions trip to South Korea. At that time things were complicated with North Korea and the US was in an uproar about it. My family expressed how nervous they were about me going there and there were times I almost thought I wasn't going to be able to go. I ended up going but fear almost stopped it. I honestly had no fear about it and trusted that God had it in His hands. He definitely did because I saw Him move many ways that summer. The point here is don't let your own mind and feelings stop you from moving out for God. He may ask you to participate in a dangerous war, move to a sketchy country to reach people in need, or even talk to the person you'd rather stay away from. Sometimes the things God uses the most, are the things that scare us the most or are the hardest things for us to do. Maybe you're afraid of heights. If God called you to reach people up high on a mountain top, would you turn Him down simply because of that fear? Another thing that holds us back is our laziness which is flat out selfishness. We need to get over ourselves to get to God because sometimes it's the only thing keeping us from Him.


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