
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Coronavirus?
Probably fear. Now I'm not saying we shouldn't be cautious of a virus, (colds, flu, allergy flare ups, chicken pox, Zika virus), and who doesn't normally wash their hands anyway ? We are being told to take precautions that we are taught to do at a young age. Wash your hands, don't touch your face, avoid publicly bathrooms...basic hygiene here people. The news and media are broadcasting daily about this virus that seems to be an outbreak (haven't had that happen ever, hello does Zika virus ring any bells?) It's not like we ordered a law that mosquitoes were illegal, we couldn't control them. The news is telling us to control this virus at all costs but you know what the cost is going to be...our sanity. Store shelves are being ravaged, places are being shut down and locked down, eventually we'll all have to stay shut up in our homes...who's to say our houses won't get infected? Then we'll be ordered to...well who knows how far they'll take it. Look, this post isn't meant to scare you, the media does that enough. Listen! This is a serious matter. What's the point of bubble wrapping yourself from a virus that could kill you, if you aren't even living life at all? We are limiting where we can go, what we can do, and we're losing all our resources very quickly. We'll be out of basic needs and who will we blame in the end? Coronavirus? This almost seems like the end of the world how crazy people are becoming, so with the time I have left I don't want to live it in fear...I want to live out this time in peace and continue to do what I set out to do. We as Christians need to stand strong through this time and be an example to the world that fear is not the way to go about this, cause we are going to kill ourselves before this virus even has a chance. Do not let the loud voices crowd your mind and make you feel like you have to hide and take shelter because we will all be okay...if we allow ourselves to. Let me ask you, has it hit you yet? Has it hit your neighbor yet? Has it hit any of your family members yet? Any of your friends yet? If not then why are we so worried about something that hasn't even hit us yet? We need to take a look back at the bigger picture and say is this really as bad as the media is making it seem? If you heard a story of a flooding in a distant state, would it have you concerned for your own home? Would you start stocking on supplies? Then why are we doing it now? Our kids need to know that we are safe and that this will  pass. This is not the end of the world...if we save ourselves. I promise you a Coronavirus isn't going to kill you as quickly as you might kill yourself by becoming crazy over no big deal.


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