Hard Work
This topic is one we have touched on before but I wanted to bring it back fresh in your memory. Some posts get brought to the bottom of the blog because I have made so many so it’s good to refresh sometimes. Here it is... we already know marriage is hard work. It takes effort, time, consistency and the desire to grow/stay together. One topic we haven’t touched on that I’d like to address some time is depression and other mental situations in a marriage/relationship. For now we’re gonna stay on the topic of The Hard Work in a marriage. Why is it so hard? Think about In a friendship...if your friend does something to you that offends you or does something you don’t like, you sometimes stop talking to them because of anger. It breaks up the friend ship but it would tear down a marriage. In a marriage you both upfront have to decide to make a commitment to never go about dealing with conflicts in this way. Any stubborn or prideful character will get in the way of this. Another thing that makes staying in a marriage so hard is communication. You can’t just ignore your friend and expect your friendship to progress. It will fail, and ultimately the same will happen in a marriage. You need open communication and have to commit to always communicate even through difficult conflict. Pride can also get in the way of this as well. The last thing we’ll look at is Love. Selfless love is a must in a marriage. Without selfless love, two selfish people will just destroy each other. It’s like two things walking straight into each other. You’re not facing off, you’re walking side by side. Remember this and you’re marriage will be easier.
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