
This post is very important. Listen to me, sometimes we tend to think the answer is retreating when we are dealing with things or just not in a good place. Let me tell you how damaging this is to the other person. They begin to feel unappreciated, like a burden, and not enough and although you may not mean it that way, that's how it is taken. So man up, be respectful and let them know what's going on. Something you don't feel like talking about? Tell them. Too busy? Let them know. There should be no reason (unless your phone is lost or broken obviously) that you can't text somebody and say hey this is what's going on. You don't have to have a conversation for hours. A simple "I'm busy" or "I'm feeling tired" will do the trick. Just be upfront because otherwise it opens up an opportunity for our minds to play extreme scenarios "maybe he doesn't like me anymore" "maybe they have someone new" "maybe they got hurt!" Don't let somebody spend hours of unneeded worrying when you could easily be open and share what's going on...and please never treat it like it's their fault. I had a friend and when I brought this situation up they threw it back at me and said I was too clingy and obsessed...umm no, I just didn't have a clue what was going on and this person had me waiting all night and all day. It's ridiculous and very disrespectful of our time. Just be honest people


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