In The Storm

Imagine this:
A girl terrified in the midst of a horrible gusty storm. The thunder pounding loudly, the rain falling hard, the wind pushing against the windows with a vibration throughout the whole house. She's lying in her bed, her bedroom is dark. She whispers with deep fear "daddy, I'm scared." He rushes in to her side, gets on the bed and says "It's okay daughter, I'll hold you through the storm." Although outside it's dark and bleak, on her bed she doesn't have to be afraid because she knows her dad is there. Soon the storm is over. The rain has stopped, it has lightened up outside. She is thankful for her father being there in that moment. In the storm her father was there, and although it was still scary, she knew she didn't need to be scared.
The moral of this story is that it is not in the moments when we are at peace (the eye of the storm) that means so much. It isn't the moments (after the storm) that are important either. The most important moment is (in the storm). Many focus on the rain, the thunder, the darkness, the surrounding (circumstances if you will), but the true picture that we are to see here is in the room, in that moment, when the father is holding the child. She is comforted, being held in her fathers arms. She had a fear, he calmed it while being patient and waiting beside her. God does this for us. What if the girl had been so focused on her fear, so focused on the rain and thunder/darkness, that she didn't even notice the moment of her father comforting her? Isn't this what we do with God? We forget all about Him and focus on the storm. We want peace but how can we if we keep focusing on the people that keep screaming at us? We want joy but how can we when we keep turning on the news and hanging around negativity? What we need is to hang around the one who is the source of peace and joy, God. When you are thirsty do you go to a desert? When you are hungry, do you chop down all the fruit trees? When you are at your last breath, do you call of the nurses and doctors? Run to the river of life, the well of peace, the spring of joy, the eternal foundation of to God your father


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