
If you remember, a while ago I did a post about a song called Restore by Chris August. This song is very encouraging especially in times when you feel like it's all about to fail and your only option is to give up...That is what we are going to talk about.

We can destroy relationships and marriage our own selves but one of the most destructive things that can rip right between two people is depression and a negative hopeless mind. I know this isn't something you can just step out of super quickly but it will destroy relationships when you give it the chance. Now, you can try to fight all you want and stay committed and loyal but it's all pointless if the other person doesn't want to get better, when they've reached the point of giving up. Don't get me wrong, nothing is ever impossible but God can't and won't help someone that doesn't want it. It is the person going through it that has to want to get better for anything to actually get better. This can be a hard process to go through and can take time but I promise if you stick through it, that person will be very grateful and you two will be very close. We are always here for you if you are going through anything, just listen to this song by Chris August.


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