Worth It

So! Hello everybody :) Today is Valentine's day. Such a special day for those who love each other to celebrate one another. What are your plans today? Got anything special planned for that someone? Let us know in the comments! Today we are talking about hard times and how the good times and rewards make it worth it. We all (those of us who are married or in a relationship) know that it is hard work to stay committed to somebody. Especially when things get rough. But we all that have been through the struggle and come out on the other side know that it's 100% worth it in the end because we grow stronger and closer together. These are all things that we have learned and those that haven't will eventually learn it. I'm sitting here writing to you about relationship struggles being worth it and most hear the word relationship and think it means a couple. The term relationship here is used universally meaning that it refers to any kind of relationship such as friends, family, and not just couples. While a couple relationship or marriage relationship is difficult and comes with struggles of its own, family and friend relationships are also hard. It takes communication, trust, respect, honor, and most of all time...another thing it takes is consistency because if you're not consistent in your actions people will have a hard time trusting. I mean, would you be able to trust someone who does something one time and then does something different the next? Let's end this on a positive note. We all have the strength not of our own, but through God, to get through any struggles we face. So never neglect the power that God has in your life, in your marriage, and in your family


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