Live one day, everyday

Hello everybody! We have been gone for some time and not had a new post so I wanted to come back and share something with you guys. Before I start I'd like to say this:
I like to write this advice to give families and husband and wives the resources they need to have a successful home. These are things I've personally learned and am not always perfect at myself. I am just like you guys and I need God to keep me in line (especially those times when things spiral out of control and I just want to go bed early and forget about the day). Seeing that people are reading this and viewing it makes me get excited because maybe it is actually helping people, that's my goal. Being a counselor has been on my heart for the past few years and I can't seem to get rid of it. While I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a counselor, it is nice to at least have this place where I can bring people together and try to help them. I'm sorry If I've taken up too much time talking about this but I felt it needed to be said. And remember, if you ever need to talk about anything just email us! We love hearing from you guys and the more you respond the happier it makes us.

Today's topic is...Taking A Break 
I know its been a while since we've posted which is why we're going to talk about taking a break. Now I don't mean you and your spouse stop talking and doing things for a while. I mean taking a break by taking a step back from the craziness of life, changing up the routine, getting out of the daily order, and living life moment by moment. Relaxing and taking a time to just focus on each other and God. I think we all need these moments and you might be thinking "that's what Sunday is for." Well yes most do this on Sunday but what if we let Sunday be our philosophy for living life. Focusing more on God rather than ourselves. Now I know most days we have work and we have school, and if we don't pick up the clothes our house will be a mess. But why can't we do all these things and still focus on God? Why can't we live our Mondays-Saturdays like a Sunday? Don't just limit to one that one day, everyday


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