
When we reach a really great high moment in our life...we appreciate it, we enjoy it, but do we stop there? We always look for better...we expect more. So why, in our relationships, marriages, families, do we not expect the same? We look at our situation and think this is it. The level we're at now, is not the end. You may be in a fight, maybe you aren't even talking to each other, or maybe you're in a really good spot, but still look for better. God always has more planned for us than we think about or even expect. When you try to guess what gift you're gonna get do you think realistically? Do you assume it will be something small and insignificant? Most would say they dream big and think of all the possibilities that it could be. Maybe an electric powered scooter, a brand new cell phone, maybe even a puppy! We dream big and hope for better things. Don't let your relationship be a ground for the creative thinking to stop flowing. Imagine all the wonderful things God is going to do if you just believe and trust Him.

If you'd like, you can share with us what God is creating in your life :)


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