History Book

I’ve been doing a lot of posts about love and relationships and how they correlate with each other, but today’s topic is all about faith. One thing I don’t understand is the quote many say about our faith. “You believe in some book that’s just a bunch of stories.” Here’s a great comeback:
Take a history book for instance. They are filled with accounts of “stories” called history...things that happened long ago. I never hear people say “history books are fake, how do we even know they’re real?” Now tell me why is it that nobody questions history books? Is it cause professors teach it? We have pastors/preachers. Is it because they are scientifically proved? Jesus did actually exist, science proves it. Is it because they are accounts that have been witnessed and recorded? A lot of the Bible are true accounts that were witnessed and recorded (The Bible). May I suggest that the real reason doesn’t lie behind the lack of scientific evidence or the fact that it’s just opinions, but rather it’s a spiritual problem. It’s the enemy putting blinders over people and telling them lies that they are believing to keep them from a good thing by telling them it’s bad, just as he brings us to bad things by telling us they’re good. Those who choose to not believe are missing out


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