
Today...right now you could say tonight...I am writing to you guys about a topic I've never really touched on before. That topic is...Influences. What do I mean by influences? Good question. These days, the world is becoming a very dangerous please and we are not only being very protective over our kids but we are also on this really crazy scavenger hunt to look for ways to discipline/raise our children. We look at the world around us and our family/friends to get advice on how to raise OUR OWN kids. I have put "our own" in bold lettering because we forget about the fact that they are our kids and not our families kids or friends kids. Yes sometimes we might need advice and a little help along the way but we shouldn't completely copy what somebody else is doing. Each kid is different and I know this has been said a lot, but it really is true. What might work for someone else, might not work for you. We have to figure out our own way of parenting while also getting advice and help when we need it. What I'm trying to say is so many parents find that spanking a kid is a form of discipline that really works but it might not work for every single family. Also some people believe in positive discipline which again may not work for EVERY family. You have to decide (sometimes it's trial and error) whether it is a good fit for you or not, don't just assume it'll work because it seems to work for just about everyone else. I would like to mention an update we have coming for this week: It's called Parenting Observation | A Week Through A Parent's Eyes
I will be posting every day with a new post about ways that parents are raising their kids. It's my mission to find out the psychology behind why parents raise their kids the way they do and I'll be answering questions that you really want answered, and I'll get real parents answers and post them on this blog. This starts at 9:00 tomorrow so you have until then to get your questions into us so we can ask them and you can see your questions answered...and the clock is ticking right now!


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