Servanthood: Being a Servant

Servant, that is one word many people tend to view negatively. Even Christians seem to find this word unsettling, but why is it that we see it this way? In this world serving someone else is looked upon as a lowly thing. We are taught that we are who matters most. Serving is actually the most righteous thing anyone could do. In John 13:1 Jesus gave a perfect example of serving by washing his disciples feet. In fact the very man whose feet Jesus washed, belonged to the man who would betray him. We all want peace in this world and that is accomplished when we serve others. We must do what is difficult. It is put perfectly in Romans 7:19 "I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway." The point is, we do whatever is easy. We take the short and simple road hoping we'll make it through. Going the easy way isn't always the best way. Getting everything immediately, isn't always beneficial. Going with what everyone else says/does, isn't always the right way. We must think of others before ourselves and have the heart of a servant. Michael Ketterer is a perfect example of a servant. Michael and his wife (America's Got Talent) adopted three sons. They didn't have to take these children in but because they had the heart of a servant...they did. Many people such as a Michael are doing great things for God and serving others. Don't focus on your self, put all your focus on God and soon you'll have the heart of a servant.


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