
Today our topic is joy! The main point I want to state is that Joy is not quite the same thing as happiness...I know that's probably a big shocker! But it really is completely true. The difference is that one lasts and the other fades but only comes at certain times. A perfect analogy of this would be:
Take two different types of marriages. 1. there is love in the relationship but that love depends on what is benefitted by the relationship or how easy things are. Once things get rocky, the feeling goes away and you just give up. That was never true love. 2. This one is much more firm. When the grounds are shaken to the fullest, both remain to stand in what is called true love and faith in God.
Joy is just like the second marriage. Even though the world is stormy and dark around you, there is still calmness inside your heart that comes only by trusting fully in God. Happiness is like the first, when things become difficult you let your peace slip away. Being stressed about a situation or reacting a certain way isn't bad at's normal actually. But, wouldn't you like to be different than normal? Having joy in your life makes times a lot more easier. Does it mean you'll never face hurt or pain? No way, not at all. It means that even though you do face pain, you will be okay because your joy and hope is what holds you together. Hope is the most powerful weapon of all...Check out this video of Tori Harper - Joy


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