L.O.V.E is a Four Letter Word

You've been married for some time now and you want to keep the spark alive, what are some things you can do?
That's easy!

1. Love Poem
I know even the name sounds scary. It's really not so bad. A good idea is to write down all the things you feel or like about your partner and read them to each other.

2. L.O.V.E Is A Four Letter Word
I think you know what this means. Write out the word "love" on a piece of paper like this:
and then next to each other make it into a word. It can be things you like about your partner...ETC
It should look like this:

3.Who Am I?
Do you know a lot about your partners family/friends? Try this game! Write a bunch of names on a piece of paper and cut them out. Then fold them and put them into a hat. Then try giving clues or acting out the name you got and see if your partner can guess which of your friends/family members you are trying to be. You must act out one of your own family members, not your partners (that would be cheating.
4. Favorites game
Your married, you know each other...but do you really? This game will test your knowledge of your partner. Write down questions for your partner to answer such as "what's my favorite food?" and see if their answers are correct. Come up with fun prizes for the winner.

If you'd like to share your experience with this, email us and send us pictures of how it went! Tell us how it brought you closer :)


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