I Choose You

"Fight For You", what does this quote mean? It should resemble all relationships but there are too many that are far from it. What does it mean to fight for somebody? When you think of the word "love", what comes to your mind? Maybe you picture a scene in the top romance movie, or maybe the couple holding hands on the street "they must be in love right?" So many people have this idea that love is a magical thing. Like in fairytales...the "Happily Ever After" but I'm sorry to tell you: If Cinderella and Prince charming were to be married in real life, their story would be more complicated than that. The things is that so many people want that type of relationship, friendship or marriage where everything is perfect and goes smoothly. That, however, is not how things work out. We have flaws, there are struggles, and we have to make a choice to stay with our loved ones regardless of the circumstances and atmosphere. Jesus was the perfect resemblance of this. He died on that cross never looking back, even though the people he "loved" didn't love him back, and even though it was very painful. In his mind their was nothing he would rather do, no one he would rather be with more than us. I believe that is why so many marriages fail. People don't look at this example and decide to fight, instead they run. Some people don't even believe in Jesus but what example do they get? Only the world's example...it's not enough. A great song that talks all about this is Fight for you by Grayson|Reed. They are a fantastic husband - wife duo! Listen to their story behind the song and then listen to the beautiful lyrics. May it bless you and your family today :)


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