Me On Your Mind

 These words ring true..."I know it was me ON YOUR MIND." Think about it, everything that God has done for us, when Jesus died on the cross for think we were on his mind. Not "why am I doing this? "will I survive?" "do I have to go through with this?" "what will happen to me?" "is God really there?" But how many times do we doubt Him when we are going through trials. We accuse Him, turn our back on Him, forget what He's done, all for what? Peace? Joy? Love? We do not recieve these things because we blame God for our pain and turn from Him and only He can give us those things...without Him there is nothing therefore we feel nothing...

We must rely on Him for what we desire. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, it is all from today take a moment to look at the picture of a cross and reflect on all He's done for you, and how it was YOU on His mind when he paid the ultimate price...

Dear God, may we never forgot all that you did for us. Today we take a moment to stop and reflect on you...we were on your mind when you paid the ultimate price to save love us. Lord we thank you, and we seek forgiveness. We have done wrong by You and we give you honor and accept the gift you give us! You are our breath and life, revive us Lord, and lift us up to you. Bring us back to our Father, who is in Heaven, and forgive us. Be with us wherever we go...In your name we pray, Amen.

I hope you prayed that prayer today! And if you did, and it was your first time, I welcome you into the family of God. There is nothing like it! We are the kingdom of peace, hope, love, joy, and kindness


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