Fall On Me


                                                 Fall On Me - Needtobreathe FT Carly Pearce

This song really reminds me of the relationship we all have in Jesus. We have a friend who will never leave. We have a father who cares for us. We have a healer who makes all our sickness better. We have someone we can go to, who knows exactly what we're going through. There is nothing you face, that He didn't face before you. He is your creator and your friend. Your master and your savior. Your king and your prince. He is your everything. He is our shoulder to cry on. He is our map, compass, light to our way. He never lets us down. He is the one that saves us....when you are hopeless He won't walk away and leave you in that place, He picks you up and says it's ok. 

So many times we don't turn to Him. We carry this load our selves and then blame Him when we're hurt. Maybe He tried to be there and you didn't let Him in. He is way too kind and loving to push himself onto us, He lets us come to Him. We can push Him away and He'll walk out, but He is always standing right behind that door, waiting for us to open and allow Him in. For so many years I pushed Him away. I didn't want any part of it. But I kept getting hurt, and blaming Him, and looking for someone, anyone,  and found nothing...it's a bad cycle and we need to overcome it. This is my journey to grow closer and learn to depend on Him, will you join me? 


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