Key to Resolving Conflict

What is the Key to Resolving Conflict? That is a great question and I most definitely have an answer for you. Let's take a look

These images are from Google Images and I am going to use them to represent my point

take a look at these couples

Do these couples look happy to you? Why do you think that is? "But people who are together longer become more happy with each other." Actually age and experience has nothing to do with how happy a couple is together. These couples have experienced conflict but none of them are speaking to each other. This, Communication, seems to be the key of a happy marriage. Take a look:

These couples might not be the happiest but don't they look less stressed then the others? I wonder why...

When communication isn't happening, nothing is being resolved...therefore the two are unhappy with each other and a wait is on them. It could be hurt feelings, pain, fear, or any number of feelings/thoughts.
The opposite is said for when people communicate. When we communicate with our partners, conflict is resolved and we are more likely to look like this:
Always remember no matter how you're feeling, to communicate with your partner. You maybe be mad or upset but when things are left unsaid during bed...nothing is ever good in the morning either. The night is dark so negative feelings are brought closer to the surface as we sleep. Let's keep fighting together! If you have any questions, or need resolving in a us.


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