In The Garden

I was reading in my devotional book today called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and this is the word I got today:
"In closeness to Me, you are safe. In the intimacy of My presence, you are energized. No matter where you are in the world, you know you belong when you sense my nearness. Ever since the Fall, man has experienced a gaping emptiness that only My presence can fill. I designed you for close communication with your Creator. How I enjoyed walking in the garden with Adam and Eve, before the evil one deceived them! When you commune with Me in the garden of your heart, both you and I are blessed. This is My way of living in the World - through you! Together we will push back the darkness, for I am the Light of the World."
After reading this it moved me to tears and my heart ached. I began longing for God and realizing the distance I've had from Him. So many times we don't realize how far away we are from someone until we stop to look at it. Life was so easy, all we had to do was walk with God everyday. Then everything was messed up, just so we could have one thing that we didn't have. It wasn't enough for us. God wasn't enough. Today starts a change within me. I want God...I don't want that apple or that apple tree, I just want "You and me."


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