
As you can probably tell by the title, this post is all about our insecurities. Love triangles or "Affairs" are one of the big sources for insecurities in relationships. Many of times we are far too quick to assume the worst in a situation. We see a girl talking flirtatiously with our man and we suddenly think he's flirting too. Sometimes that is the case but not always. These doubts and fears are things we cannot always avoid but we can avoid assuming the outcome. Assuming has never fixed anything and your relationship will not be pardoned from this. Talk with your boyfriend or partner about what is going on. If you talk it through then it's more likely to be sorted out rather than blaming him and making him feel you don't trust him. Maybe he is untrustworthy here but allow him to tell you himself. Same goes for the men as well, do not assume your wife or girlfriend is at fault. Always talk to the other you know communication is important to resolving conflict.

Insecure - Raelynn
Listen to this song by Raelynn. I hope it encourages you! If you ever need anyone to talk to, come to us anytime. -FamilyFaithWisdom


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