Finding The Path

 There was once a girl that liked to go walking in the woods and sit in the peaceful quiet. One particular morning, she decided to go exploring to a new spot. She found what looked like a pathway so she went to follow it but she kept running into hedges that got in her way. There were times she thought she wouldn't be able to get through but she managed to get past every time. She finally made it to the end and found a very beautiful serene garden on the other side...

I don't know if you noticed but this story has a meaning behind it. In life we face many obstacles "the hedge" and got stuck on our way down "the path" called life. We look at the hedge and think there is no way we can go through or move on and we tend to give up. But where do we go from there? How do we pick ourselves up to carry on. What if, maybe, we were honest with one another and each other, and ask for help. Why do we have to be perfect? Why do we make it so hard for those to come to us and tell us where they have gone wrong? When they feel lost? Stuck? Scared? What if instead of taking "the front seat" and acting as the judge, we decide to set our prideful self aside and look at it for what it is. We have all made mistakes and been there so why do we not help each other out?

Ask Yourself, if this was would I want someone to respond to me?

Many times when someone comes to you they are usually asking for help,not for a lecture. Sometimes maybe they need someone to listen to them. Maybe you have an answer they don't have. When someone comes up to you, you should think for a second instead of immediately responding. Think about the situation. What do they need in this moment? I think things would be really different if we would put our religious, self righteous, prideful self away and try to face situations as Jesus would. He didn't condemn, he didn't turn away, he didn't even judge them. When others would turn people away and not even go near them, he would tell them to come close. He calls those that are broken, hurting, and lost, because that's who he came for. The next time someone comes to you to call for help, think about Jesus and what he would do.


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