Can mother’s be friends with their kids?

It is said that as a mother you cannot be best friends with your kids because your a “mom” not a friend, but what does that mean? I believe these kind of things are what makes kids so depressed and rebellious. We aren’t there for them, we don’t show them love enough. I believe a mom should be a best friend to her kids. Their may be tough times but what relationship doesn’t have tough times? It’s important that we don’t miss the meaning of parenting, but if you just asked yourself “what is the meaning?” Then we’re already doing it wrong. Many seem to think their kids are there to serve them. “That’s what I had you for” mother’s seem to claim when they ask their kids to work. Listen, kids do not have chores so they can do what you don’t want is so they can learn what responsibility is. If they need some help, help them. We become parents to teach our kids not use them. If anyone does the serving it should be us to our kids. I get so sad when I see parents using their kids like it’s all their good for.

What do you guys think? Can a mom be a friend to her child? Why or why not?


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