A Love to Resemble

Hey there guys! my girl Emma Swan is here from Once Upon A Time to give us some really good advice! Please enjoy and I hope you learn something from it.

Hi, I'm Emma Swan! My story was told on Once Upon A Time, a show that's on ABC. For this post I am going to be sharing a video of Killian and I's story of how we got together and finally married. Then I'll put some advice based on what we experienced and went through. I'm thinking about making a blog based off of our real experiences so we can share our opinions on certain topics with you guys, and Killian  will post too! Watch the video and read my advice and tell me if you'd read my blog.
I love Killian so much! Here is my advice on five topics!

1. Staying together through the good and the bad (even life and death).
"How do you stay together through the rough times?" You've all seen our moments when I got taken by the darkness, or Killian (and I) literally went through death and back. The question is how do you stay during those moments. It's not as simple as it sounds but when you love somebody, it's all you can do. I've experienced so much loss in my life but I couldn't lose Killian too. Even though he was dying, I couldn't let him go.
2. Past experiences
"How does your past experiences, relationships, ETC...affect your life now?"
I've had plenty of times when my walls have been up (just ask Killian and my parents) but the love they have shown me has helped me bring me guard down. It gets tough sometimes to trust people but I'm thankful for the growth and healing I've had. I just have to remind myself no ones perfect, there will always be mistakes.
3. Staying in the bad
"How do you deal with mistakes? Miss trust?"
You all have seen Killian when he was a pirate and some of the downfalls hes had even after that. He has never been a perfect man but I've always known that. He may not be perfect but for me what counts is whether he cares about getting better or not. If he is stealing and doesn't try to make it better and change then that's one thing, but if he keeps a secret but regrets it after then that's a whole other thing. It's all about his heart in it.
4. Facing the Music
"So many challenges have crossed your path. How do you deal with bad news being delivered?"
If something is being thrown at you, whether it be a curse or something minor, the best thing to do is to stick together and be there for each other. You never know when the other person is struggling with something or not. The dream I had of Gideon and my death was unnerving but Killian could sense my anxiety and stuck with me even when I couldn't get the words out. Even when I told him he still stood by my side to be there for me. That's the advice. Don't get upset because they won't talk about it...they're dealing with it.
5. Other suitors
"How do you deal with exes and people who like you while your in a relationship/marriage?"
Is there more than one answer? It's simple. Your with "your person" for a reason (for me that's Killian), so why would you choose anybody else? When I met Mila I was shocked at first but I totally trusted Killian (that's where love comes in). I didn't freak out, instead I helped her see him. My biggest advice would be don't let that person break you two up. You are fighting for each other, not someone else.
How did you enjoy those tips? Did they help you? Share your stories in the comments. Also, would a blog be a good idea? What would you call it? I need your opinions so I wont waste my time making something that no body would really read. Thank you!

Thank you Emma,
that was lovely. What do you guys think? Is it a good idea? Also who is your favorite TV couple? What do you think of the idea of making a blog about advice from TV characters on topics such as love, maarriage, relationships, family...ETC? Would you read it? What would you call it?


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