Without Him

How many families are trying to make it work without God? Why do they reject God?

They claim "you don't know for sure if He even actually exists...or if everything you believe is even true."
Okay, lets for a second pretend that it isn't true...what would that look like

Well for starters not much would change because we all know death exists and is a part of life and most people believe when you die that's it, you're just gone...nothing else happens...it's the end
okay so if we are wrong about it and we've spent all that time following God and doing good and being a Christian...then what have we lost? According to the world we haven't really lost anything because it was all going to be last anywhere...the only difference is that the life that we did get here was at least lived to the fullest and we actually did good things and made a life that mattered.

Now let's say we know for sure that in the end Heaven actually did exist and we were right...so now all those who chose not to believe, didn't get in and are standing on the outside begging and wishing they could have a seat next to God, living forever in eternal paradise. Well...now they've lost a whole lot and on top of that...anybody that they loved that made a choice to believe and got into Heaven, they now have to miss forever.. that sounds very sad but is the truth.

Let me ask you this to make it seem more clear

if a sales person came to you with two different deals...okay here it is:
1. First deal is that you work really hard for a week and you don't get anything in return...well that isn't a pretty good deal

2. Second is you work really hard for a week and in return you will receive great wealth

let's say these are myths...you do not know for sure that the wealth will come in so you could risk spending time working hard and end up with nothing....or you could decline altogether and wind up being lazy and worthless...let's say you took the deal but you ended up not getting anything in return...then you just end up perishing just as in both scenarios you would do anyway, but now the time you did have was spent to the fullest. So even though you didn't get the wealth in the end, you at least still have a legacy of knowing what you did in the past...

My point is, refusing God is like refusing a really good deal because either way you end up winning...except if you choose to decline. You may be asking, "well, why should I accept? What does God bring to my life?"
To answer this let me just start by saying this:
As Christians, our life's purpose is not to bring glory to ourselves...it is to altogether bring glory to God above all. When we do get some recognition for something, it is a blessing and a gift but not a given.
Now, for the answer:
God brings a lot to your life...with God you can succeed further than any man can without Him because He brings a whole new level to your "team." Also, do you ever feel lonely? God is that companion who never leaves and is always there. One thing I have learned about God is that He never leaves you or gives up on you. 


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