The Difference

What makes the difference? Between a Christian and a non-believer? What is the real big difference? The biggest not what you would think it is. Many have this view that Christians are a group of righteous holy saints that have made it in the good books and have somehow become special. The thing is, Christians aren't that much different from everyone else. We are all lost and broken people. We all make mistakes, we all have done things that make us very undeserving of a ticket into Heaven. But yet somehow when people see us it seems as though that isn't the case....but the thing is, we still struggle with those battles. The fight between right and wrong, good and bad, light vs dark is in all of us, even those "saints." The one thing that sets us apart is that we have hope...a hope in the belief that we have a friend who will never leave us and will stay with us no matter what...that friend is Jesus. Take a look at what He did, dying on the cross for us. Sure what He went through was pretty much hell in a nutshell, but He endured it for and me, all brothers and sister, each like the other, lost and hurting in a broken world, rescued so we could be free from the chains we call Life. It's a condition all mortal humans deal with, sin, it haunts and kills, chases and hunts down, finds and devours, hides and subtly sneaks the addiction of a drug addict...or the addiction of a smoke addict. You believe it will never hit you but then it does


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