Many Opinions

People have many opinions of what marriage is or what it should look like, but the truth one ever gets close to what it really is. Marriage is such a complex thing. Many think its just a romantic matter and some think other things. Many people simply have no clue at all. In order to make it work and last we have to know what it exactly is. The dictionary has a definition of this topic:

Marriage - Noun
1. The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship
2. A combination or mixture of TWO or more objects

Marriage is a combination of two people connected as one but it goes deeper than that. How do you achieve that oneness? Many use things such as having a baby or keeping up their intimate life to grow and strengthen their bond but the probably is that it's not the third part of the equation. The problem is that Marriage is a mix of three parts that bind into one through the power of Love but what is this third compound? Words that could describe this would be faith, eternal, belief, father. God is the third part that completes the whole puzzle and binds the home into what it was meant to be, and if any of the strings become loose...the whole thing begins to come apart. Marriage is a story that God allows us to be apart of that shows the world who he is. When we trust in him and show love in every way then we can fulfill our roles.


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