David & Goliath

We all know the story of David and Goliath. Now lets say your child is David and God has told him to go defeat Goliath. He comes to you saying just how big Goliath is and that he is going to do it because God has told him to. What would you tell him? Would you let him? Many would say "No way! I'm protecting my son. I'm not going to let him go, it's too dangerous" but is that just a lie your telling yourself? Maybe its the enemy trying to stop your son from doing something great. "But I want to keep him safe. What if he dies out there" you say with worry in your heart. Does God suddenly not have control anymore? So many parents face challenges that leave them at a cross road: "Do I let my child go defeat Goliath and trust God, or do I take control and tell him it's too dangerous?" Sometimes this moment of decision can have an impact on the way we teach our child about faith. In David's situation God was completely in control. If David had parents, we know they didn't stop him because he did go to defeat Goliath...and guess what! He did defeat him. He didn't neglect what God had told him just because he was facing a much bigger giant, instead he trusted in a God who was much bigger and way more powerful than that Giant. That day must have taught David a big lesson, and isn't that what parents do? Teach their kids? Many parents today learn about that Goliath and immediately tell their kids to stay away, even if it was God's plan. How different would it be if the guards came off and we trusted God more to allow children into certain places. I'm not saying let your child go to a bar, but if a child says to you " God has called me to do this", instead of letting fear keep them from doing it, just trust God. Maybe it will teach them a listen...and maybe you too! This week try to trust God more and allow the door of opportunities to be open for your kids. Sometimes the worst thing kids learn, is to say no to God just because its too dangerous.


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