Flawlessly Beautiful

Before we get on with this post I want you to do something. We're going to create a list. This list can be about someone you love (a spouse, friend, family member). It can include all the things you like about them or all the things you would like someone to have...they must all be positive! Maybe its super strength, or beautiful long hair...or even no flaws! You would like this person wouldn't you? What if we turned it around. Now this list consists of only negative things such as bad breath, fear, anxiety, weaknesses...would you like this person? My guess is probably not. Once we switched the lists around, the results were clear, but why is that? The probably is that we don't want flaws and we don't want anyone with flaws. Once someone starts having negative attributes we begin to turn around on them but what if we stayed with them? What if we loved them for their flaws? We constantly try to find things that we don't like about people but the truth is, I'm sure there is something you don't like about your self. Maybe your too quiet, or not quiet enough. Maybe your too slow, or not smart enough. What ever your flaw is, it's beautiful and makes you...YOU! This week my challenge to you is to find the beauty in all the flaws. Whether its your husband, your sibling, your friend or anyone that you know, this week I want you to say NOTHING negative...not anything! I promise you, you'll see much better results!


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