Relationships - communication

Communication is a very important part of any kind of relationship. Without communication the relationship doesn't even exist, or won't within a few weeks. It's just common sense. Also secrets in relationships are very destructive so tell everything! Just try not to be rude because just like secrets, rudeness can be destructive too. My advice to you would be communicate with each other and spend a lot of time together and with God. If your relationship is failing then first you should figure out the reason and second you should turn to God for help. If the reasoning for failing is because you fight a lot, I would say communicate to each other. Find out why you are fighting so much, learn to forgive and communicate, and stay in prayer. The best way to solve a family issue is to pray together every day in the morning and every night, also never go to bed with things unsaid. Many times I have seen shows where one of the people clearly have something to say but they either just walk away or go to bed. Don't let going to bed become an excuse because more than likely if your fight has to wait til morning, it's not going to end well. I can't stand it when people clearly have things to say but fail to communicate to the person what it is, so the most advice I can give is don't wait to say what you need to say.


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