Parenting - homeschooling

You've decided to home school! Congratulations on such a wonderful decision. Many people have negative and false views of home schooling, but they are indeed false. Home schooling is a way for kids to not only learn, but learn things you actually want them learning. Most schools (public school) are not very kid safe environments. A lot of schools education is not based on faith so your kids aren't learning the kind of stuff your wanting them to learn. Most reasons why people aren't home schooled is because their parents need time away, not that they don't love their kids but they just need to get things done. There are tons of other ways to get the kids out of the house for a few days, or how ever many days you need besides just sending them to school. Home school is good because you can safely monitor and feel safe with what they are learning. Home schooling isn't difficult but is time consuming. If you are thinking about getting a job or have a job then you will have to incorporate it into your schedule. Their are different philosophies to home schooling. some people like using textbooks and other people prefer to use online curriculum. If you use online curriculum you can monitor the subjects your kids are doing and their grades. Some online schooling you can use are and
these are two that I have used for my school.
Other people prefer to use textbooks, you can sit down and work with your kids on the pages.


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