Alone Time

Hello everyone! Back at it again. Todays post is a good one and we’re talking about faith today. 

Real Moment
Let me just have a real moment with you for one second. I have not been the closest with God lately like I know I should be. I let life get in the way and distract me, but I have turned back and started putting the focus back on God. I’ve started going back to church consistently, spending more time with God, and I’ve started serving at my church to get more connected.

I know it isn’t easy, I hear that all the time. It really isn’t, but I can’t express to you enough how important it is to spend time with God and make Him a part of your life. I’ve seen what it does when He isn’t involved and if it weren’t for God I wouldn’t be able to get through life…not to say it’s been terrible for me but that’s just the truth. God is my life and reason for living. I just wanted to take some time to remind you guys, and to remind myself, we need to give God our time. I know it isn’t easy and you have to find what works for your family. I’m thinking about starting a series where we will help you guys figure out plans that will work for your family. If you are interested let us know in the comments!! We also have a new post coming out on our podcast so keep tuned in for that! 


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