Meaningful Moments

 "Love is enough"

The quote that many have requoted for years. While some may say it is true, is it really? Is love really enough? What does that even mean? Well, some would say love is a feeling so if we're going based solely on that fact, then sorry to say but no it is not enough. See that is the problem, we base our relationship on how we are feeling. We base the ranking of our family on how we feel about each other and whether we fight or not. You may not be aware but ALL...let me say it again, ALL relationships have their ups and downs, every family fights once in a while. If you really base it solely on that, you'll be let down every time. "So what do we base it on?" you may ask; You base it on actions, its a conscience decision everyday to say "no matter what, I will stick around and fight for you, for US." That is what you signed up for when you said "I do" and many of us are standing at the altar with our children present while we say those words, and then they watch us as we get a divorce and leave one another; breaking that sacred promise. Then we want to question why there are so many divorces and young couples are falling apart? Sometimes we need to look in the mirror instead of looking around to find the problem else where, because many times it's ourselves. This might not be the fairytale heart melting post you were hoping for, but then again no one ever said marriage was all fairytales. Sometimes it is quite the opposite but what makes it a true marriage, what makes true love, is having the strength to stay in those moments. It's the little meaningful moments that makes it enough. it's the moment of a lady sleeping in an un comfy chair all night by her dying husbands side instead of hopelessly giving up and going home. It's the tired mother taking time to spend with her child instead of taking a nap or doing something for herself. It's the stressed husband coming home and helping his wife with chores even though she's more than capable to do it herself and he may be tired but he wants to help out. It's the couple going to therapy instead of choosing the easy way out and choosing to break up. 

Let me make something clear, this isn't in anyway referring to marriages or relationships that may be toxic or cause harm to any party involved. If you are in a dangerous situation, get out immediately! 

But if there is no harm, but merely just a struggle, hold on because it will not last. It won't always be like this...I know we can all sometimes struggle. That's why I wrote this blog, because I wanted to help others, but I also know I have my own struggles so it's also something I can look to when I need help as well. Of course, all my wisdom always comes straight from God and I don't give any credit to my own hand. He's simply using my hands and my laptop to write all this and share it with you. I wanted to share some videos with you to encourage you in times when you feel like giving up and feel like you can't go on. Whether you are a Christian and need some strength from God, or just looking for some encouragement, there's something for everyone. We also have no judgment here so feel free to comment and share your stories of how we've helped you!

Post Update

I felt like I needed to share this with you all...

I have spent so many times pushing people away because I was so focused on the pain I kept going through and the way I kept feeling. I would even push God away and in return I would end up very lonely and still with pain. I couldn't escape it. I thought if I pushed others away it would stop it but it only made it worse. One thing I learned was I needed to lean on God and trust in Him or else the pain would just keep being way too much. It hasn't been an easy journey and I still struggle from time to time but it really helps to have people I can talk to about it. Maybe you are reading this right now feeling like you have no one, no one to turn to...let me tell you (as hard as it is to believe) You Are Not. Please if you are feeling alone right now, send us a message or comment on this post. There is a community here that is willing to be here for you and support you. We're all in this together 


  1. Wow you must have an amazing husband to help with all your struggles of feeling so unloved.

    1. We have a loving father who is always there for us in our times of need. When we need a friend, when we need healing, when we just want someone to talk to. This post was made for encouragement to those reading that if you are dealing with these feelings, you are not alone. It is not about me as much as it is about those that need someone


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