The Cure

 Today for this post we are heading into the emergency room for some treatment

Lets say that you have a very rare illness that is fatal if not treated, however the treatment for this illness is not widely known, but there is this really special doctor who has reached out to you for a is a special medicine that was specifically crafted for this illness. This is exciting news for you and you immediately accept. Weeks later after the medicine has done its work, you are cured! A few months later, after being cured, you notice someone walking down the street and it doesn't seem like they are doing so well...they begin to take a turn for the worse so you call authorities and they rush them to the hospital. At first they couldn't figure out what was wrong but then they realized that it was a sickness, the same one you had months ago, but they don't know how to cure it. They prepare to tell the patient that there is no cure and they only have a little while to live...meanwhile hearing this, you stare down at the vile of medicine you were, you do not know this person, but you're faced with a choice, do you share this cure that you have been given or do you keep it to yourself? You could offer it to this person and of course they could decline it, but would it be fair to them if you didn't even mention it and give them that option? Some time has passed and the doctors are heading to the patients room. You rush in before them and say "wait!" "I think I may have a cure for this." You hand the bottle to the patient who asks you what it is and you begin to explain your story and share how it cured you...the patient thinks for a moment, and very gratefully accepts. Within a few weeks they are cured and you two have become good friends. 

Now let's say this went another way...the doctors head to the room to tell the patient the sad news, and you stare at the medicine pondering what to decide that it may upset the patient and worry them, or they may just not accept it at all, and you decide it's best if you just kept it to yourself. The doctors tell the patient and suddenly you can hear crying from the other begin to feel regretful for the decision you made...

Life or death, is merely but a stage, but sometimes we can be difference between a hurting soul, and a joyful one...with being saved, comes a great responsibility to help make sure others can be saved as well. These scenarios are to show you that, we have all been given a cure (Jesus Christ) and there are so many sick people out there who have been told they are going to die and there is nothing that can help save them...however, we know about this cure and we can either keep it to ourselves...lie to ourselves and say that we don't even need the cure, or we can accept if for ourselves and share it with anyone who will listen to us. Do you know anyone who is hurting? Has anyone you know, gotten that diagnosis? Give them that cure, ultimately it's up to them to accept it or not, but they can't it, if you keep it to yourself. 

We're always here for you! Leave a comment and let us know how we're doing. What did you get out of todays message? Are you going to share the cure?


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