Living During Quarantine

 So this may be one of the most popular posts I have done, especially for the time we are in right now! If there’s something I’ve seen and know all too well, it’s that in this time we are all running around like chickens with their heads caught off and we’re worrying. Not only that but we are far too in each other’s business trying to social media judges and rulers. Guess what?, Earth isn’t your kingdom and you can’t go trying to rule it, even virtually. 

We may be trying to keep our heads above the water as we try to figure out how to navigate these seas but you can’t save anyone else While you’re drowning or until you’ve made it to land. Do your part to stay safe and be an example rather than criticize others for not doing the same. Would you write a 500 word paragraph to a murderer about how wrong it is that they murdered? Would you have posted on FB to Hitler about how wrong he was to terrorize? Well...maybe some of you would’ve, but would that have kept 9/11 from happening?  Would it have saved the victims life? No but you know what will? Being the example and showing others what is right. If you wanna see a change then you gotta be the change because your the only one that can envision it when you see the director of your opinions, star in your own movie, don’t convince others to play and direct it for you because only you can make it a success in the end


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