Not The Same

Dear readers,
Hello! Today I would like to discuss a topic that is not often least never enough. Let me start it with a question:
those of you who have multiply children with different age do you treat each of your children? Do you discipline and teach them the same way?

let me give you some intel into the minds of children ;
Now, I know I'm not a professional psychologist with a degree but I don't need a degree to be able to make observations. From my observations and research I have conducted, I have been able to notice that kids of different age groups tend to learn differently and have different reactions to certain disciplines. I always use the school analogy:
in a classroom you have different age groups because they have different grade levels. This is because psychologically children's minds are different at different ages. A baby hasn't developed as much as the toddler has and the toddler hasn't developed as much as the adult has, or even the teenager.


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