Power In Words

Do you believe there is power in the words you say? I want to see who believes there is and who believes there isn't. Take some time to think about it and give your answer in the comments...

I've given you guys some time to think about it and if you haven't answered yet, please do not continue reading on until you have commented...Now that everyone has commented I will begin this post.
I feel like many parents say things without considering how their children will feel because they don't realize the power their words have. When you say things without thinking about it or in the heat of anger that is when people get hurt, and most of the time it's your kids getting hurt. This of course does not mean that they are weak, but they do have feelings. I know personally as a kid things have been said that weren't meant to be intentionally mean but even though it wasn't the intention they can still hurt. Pain especially from family can stick with you your whole life. I think personally going through it the hardest part is not getting an apology because people say things and don't realize how it affects somebody and I get if you don't tell them then they'll never know, but it still hurts. The challenge for this week is to think carefully before you say things to your children. Maybe set them down and have a talk with them and see if you've said anything that's hurt them.  If you ever have any questions or need advice please contact us right away and we'll help you. We're here for you!


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