After I Say "I Do"

You know how the wedding story goes. They walk down the aisle and say "I do" and then they're married. Nothing more is heard of except that they lived happily ever after. That idea is a story and it's 100% fictional. After you say I do in front of everyone, it doesn't end there. You may be married but it takes saying I do every single day. This is one of our biggest problems because we forget this statement as we live our daily lives. We get caught up with the chores, his absence, her complaining, his lack of support, her flaws (that we do not remember when we got married). These things are all part of being married but we can't let them tear us apart. We have to remember what we said when we were at that alter. "For better or for worse, in sickness AND in health." Your husbands sick and keeps asking for more? Ungrateful for what you're doing? Remember you said I Do and choose to love him. Your wife has become lazy? Forgets to encourage and support you? Remember you said I Do and talk it out. Don't let differences and struggles break what you two worked hard to create. Defend your home and family. Sometimes our own flesh gets in the way. We begin to feel unloved, we get insecure and jealous, we let anger take up residence in our hearts, we forget patience and let love go by the wayside. Never forget what it is that you said that day. I's a daily devotion of love to your spouse that you will choose them no matter what happens. Began to lose the feelings you once had? Fight hard to get them back. He won't let you in, he's hurting and suffering, and now you don't feel loved? Maybe he's feeling really him, let him know you still Do and have patience. Above all, never forsake the power and strength, that God has in your marriage, in your family, in your home. Don't let the enemy win! Contact us if you ever need some advice or encouragement. We'd love to pray for you.

Feel like sharing your story? Feel free to email us, we always love to hear how God is working in His people.


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