
How is your relationship with God? Are you hiding anything from Him? Are you speaking daily? Do you have full faith and trust in Him? Is there any shame keeping you from Him? Cast it out into the sea, so you can be together again.

Remember when you first got saved? When God became your first and most true love? It's always good to go back to when it started. I'm always surprised to watch marriages and relationships in this world become so similar to the relationship God has with each of us. Of course it's not the same but the similarities are so hard not to notice. The bible really means it when it says "the husband is the head of the wife just as God is the head of the church." "Man should lay down his life for his wife and "sacrifice" just as Jesus did when he gave his own life on the cross." See the similarities? It's crazy! It makes you feel truly blessed to experience it. I look at marriage as a play or movie  that God has created to show the world how Jesus died on the cross for us. He uses husbands and wives to play the roles and to me that is why marriage vows are so important because it's like choosing to audition and star in a film. Once you get your part, you're committed. There's no getting out but without the stars the movie would fall apart and no one would want to see it. We must allow the director to do his job and cooperate with each other.


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