The American Dream

What exactly is "The American Dream?" It definitely is not what people think it is. When people become successful in their worldly pursuits they say they are living The American Dream but if that is our country's dream then how are we any different from other countries? To me I honestly deep down believe that the true American Dream is living in honest Godly love not trying to judge others but judge ourselves so that we may be seen as holy unto God. Take a trip down memory lane to when the Pilgrims were here and founded this country. The constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation, what did they all state? It was freedoms but not just freedoms from slavery and racial exclusions but also most of all religious freedom. To be free to live out your life for God is truly living and it is the truest form of success. Not going to grad school with the highest diploma, or buying the most expensive car...not even finding the best house. It's all about finding the best thing anyone could ever receive and that is Christ. People come into this country thinking that we are the most successful country and they'll get every materialistic thing that they want but we aren't materialistic. Atleast, when the pilgrims were here we weren't. What has happened to us now? Where have we gone? Tears of deep sorrow flood my eyes thinking about how down the road we've become with our dream of a free country. If you are seen with a bible in your hand or say anything about God, Jesus or anything related to these, you are looked upon as a fool and an outcast. Go ahead, turn away from me. I don't want to be with you if you are not with my God. It's time for us Christians to stop thinking of what everyone else thinks of us and look to God for our identity and know we are truly loved. This is a real battle we are fighting and the enemy is attacking our troops through their appearances and physcial qualities. Here this now! It is time for us to arise and stop hiding. Step into the battle field away from the rocks. The enemy shall not win for he has already been defeated and has no victory. To God be the glory and strengthen us to fight. Lord, right now I pray that your soldiers here this prayer right now. Give them strength God. This is our time and we can't let the enemy bring us down with his army. Lord guard us as we fight and stand by your side. Let every man and woman know how truly precious they are in your sight and may we not be afraid to speak your name. God, my soul aches for your people to be seen and heard again just like it was before. Give us our religious freedom and true country back again. We know in your timing all will be made right but til then Lord give us strength, courage and your spirit. In Jesus name, Amen. If this post spoke to you please let us know! How are you fighting in the Lord's army today?


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