The Resistance

Disobedience, Rebellion, Disrespect...parents use these words as excuses. Sometimes we find resistance in what they tell us to do or not to do and parents say don't disobey/disrespect me. Yes they are our authority but instead of fighting resistance, I think we should start thinking about and really questioning resistance. They tell us to do something but we hesitate, not to be disobedient but to ponder if it really is the right action "for us". Don't get me wrong, "parents know best" is a true statement but they are also human. It is possible for parents to get it wrong every once in a while. This isn't saying question everything your parents are telling you, it just means occasionally be open minded. Sometimes our parents try to keep us safe or give us our best but sometimes its only for their sake. They get afraid to lose us so their mind makes up that its for our best...but when that resistance comes that's when your mind (and hopefully theirs too) needs to be fully open to other options. Many parents strictly force their kids to do well in school so much that they don't even allow opportunities to learn when they come. Suddenly school becomes a way to succeed in life (not true) rather than a learning opportunity (which is all it is). Think about it!
Think about every class you take in school (that doesn't count lunch period or recess). What happens? Why are you truly there? Do teachers ever say "kids today we are going to learn how to succeed in life? NO!! My guess is most of them say "students today we are going to learn...(fill in blank)." That's the point, school is all about learning and sure it helps you get a job (and it is important please don't get me wrong.) I am not trying to say if you have another opportunity then you should just pull out of school, cause if you can go then you should take that opportunity. I'm just saying how many people have opportunities to learn while they are already learning? Not many because parents have too much fear. I think maybe they are afraid we'll quit school and find it unnecessary. Well, what I've been saying makes it sound unnecessary but please listen to this message VERY CLOSELY!:
school is very important and it may just be an opportunity to learn but the more you learn, the more you'll know. I've been encouraging you to take learning opportunities as they come even in school but that means you also need school. School is one of the biggest learning opportunities you can ever get and not many do get that opportunity. Don't take it for granted but also don't let other opportunities pass be either.
Parents! Please read this together as a family (with your kids). It is totally true and you need to see that. Encourage them to take the best opportunities but also don't let them lose any either. If you lose sight of why school really is so important, then they will never have the desire to go through it. Encourage them, help them and show them the opportunities they have now. The strongest regret one can have is not taking an opportunity (especially to learn something great).
Thank you, FamilyFaithWisdom


  1. so absolutely true! Don't ever believe otherwise. I am so glad somebody sees it this way, the sad part is not many do.


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