You Are Loved
Where do you find your worth? Where does it truly come from? I never understood it til now, but this year I found myself constantly questioning my own worth. "I am enough?" "Do I really deserve to be loved?" "Will I ever find someone that loves me the way I deserve?" These were all things I thought about myself. I let others actions affect how I see myself. I didn't understand how people could tell me they love me and then just walk away so easily. I was hurt and broken and looking for love. Trying to find the perfect love in others who were just as broken as I wonder they hurt me. They couldn't love me the way I needed, the way I wanted. Suddenly I came to the realization, just now as I write this, that it only comes from one place...that is God. I realized I was looking in a place where I could never find it...take this story for example: say there's a store. This store has been in town for many years and it is well known and high...